Luke 5: 15-16
But now more than ever the word about Jesus spread abroad; many crowds would gather to hear him and to be cured of their diseases. But he would withdraw to deserted places and pray.
Rex Murphy recently wrote an article on overlapping crisis’s and how these are unprecedented times. As a minister and a human committed to caring for our congregation, the community and the world, it seems a bit surreal. When I was sitting on the beach in Mexico a few months ago, I simply could not have imagined how the world would be today – 7.2 million people worldwide infected by the COVID virus with over 400,000 accompanying deaths, travel has virtually halted and the world is in the midst of an unprecedented economic crisis. Canada has witnessed its’ largest mass killing in its history and America has erupted into riots and cities on fire in response to the racially motivated killing of a black man by the police instigating ongoing demonstrations around the world under the banner of, “Black Lives Matter.”
All of these events concern me, sadden me, impact the way I live and strengthen my commitment to the Gospel and the transformation of the world. And yet this week, what I would really have liked to do is invite friends over to the house, put some burgers on the BBQ and crack a cool one! So, what’s that about?
I think as we begin to slowly open up our lives and communities to more social interactions, the reality of just how limited these are, and the constant reminder of a possible second wave, all in the midst of the chaos of a world where the leader of the most powerful nation seems oblivious to the suffering, seems a bit overwhelming. So, no wonder I want to indulge in a bit of fanciful imaginings to escape the reality of it all.
But when I look to the teachings of Jesus, I find something more helpful than a backyard barbeque. Jesus withdrew from the reality of the world and the demands on him to preach, teach and heal by going to rest in the deserted places and there he would pray.
We are so fortunate on the Island that we have so many magnificent deserted places to withdraw to – forests, mountains, oceans, lakes and rivers. For many of us, that is where like Jesus, we find the presence of God. And through prayer we are energized to find the strength to go back out into the world, offering ethical leadership, healing where we find brokenness, and the confidence that we are not alone in this work. God is with us. The Risen Christ inspires us. The Spirit works through us.
So yes, a barbeque would be fun. One day it will again be possible because COVID is not forever. In the meantime, when the world seems overwhelming, I will seek times of solitude and prayer to strengthen me for the journey. If you too are suffering from COVID fatigue, seek that stillness within where God dwells and find the strength to continue on. Know that you are not alone, and one day we’ll be celebrating – hopefully with a burger in hand!
Praise be to God!