James 5:11 Indeed we call blessed those who showed endurance.
You have heard of the endurance of Job,
and you have seen the purpose of the Lord,
how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.
It seems like a lifetime ago that I was working for Corporate Canada – actually it was Canada Packers Ltd, Shur Gain Division. One of the highlights of our week was “Hump Day.” Most of us know that is a euphemism for Wednesday. Monday mornings always marked the beginning of the week – sales targets to meet, accounts to collect and a long haul ahead until Friday. Fridays were like, “woo-hoo” and what was everyone’s plan for the weekend! But Wednesdays – you always knew if you could survive Wednesday, then it was just the big slide till Friday. I was fortunate in that there were a number of us, who were young, single and, we thought, “hip,” that worked in admin and sales, so “Hump Day” was often just an excuse to go for a beer after work.
This is the third week of Lent, basically the middle of Lent, and if you have been doing a spiritual practice for Lent, this just might feel a little bit like “Hump Week”! What you started out doing on Ash Wednesday, with a sense of anticipation and dare I say, excitement, has now quite possibly morphed into a tedious practice. Like me, there may have been a couple of days when you even forgot. I have to confess, the first time I forgot, I did it twice to make up for what I missed, and the second time, I just didn’t. The problem with being human, is that perfection seems to elude me on quite a regular basis.
But it’s “Hump Week”! I know that if I can persevere for the rest of this week, it will be easy to do it for the rest of Lent, as I slide into Holy Week, where I can dig deep to contemplate Jesus last days in Jerusalem, from the triumphant parade on Palm Sunday to the crucifixion on Good Friday. And then – “woo-hoo” – it is time to celebrate the Resurrection as the sun rises on Easter morn.
I’ve been listening to Dr. Henry and Justin Trudeau proclaim that the vaccines are here, we are picking up the pace, and we will all be vaccinated (at least once) by early fall. Come on people – we are not as cheery as they are. It’s been a year now of isolating, mask wearing and disinfecting. Some of us have lost loved ones to the pandemic, many of our elderly have suffered greatly under lock down, and we worry about the high prices we see in the grocery store, and the effect COVID will have on the economy. So yes, we have some hope for the future and we believe you when you say things will get better . . .
but in the world of COVID-19 this really just feels like “Hump Day”. The depressing part is we can’t even go out with friends to celebrate that we are almost there. When I talk to people these days; there is a sense of exhaustion, an attitude of “I’m done,” and often a pervasive feeling of, ready to give up. That’s the dilemma of “Hump Day”. Even though we know the end is coming, getting there may just seem insurmountable.
I want to encourage everyone. “We can do it! Yes, we can!” (words from Obama’s election campaign) If you are feeling particularly vulnerable, stressed, depressed, lonely, and overwhelmed – trust me, you are not alone. This is an important time in the pandemic because of the mutating virus. We, who felt so safe, for so long, on Vancouver Island, are now facing increasing cases and we must be ever mindful of the risks.
So, congratulate yourself that we are almost there! And you ARE going to make it! Go for a walk, take a bubble bath, indulge in a gourmet meal or break open that special bottle of wine. We can see Friday, and Easter Sunday, and the end of the pandemic on the horizon. However, you choose to celebrate, just do it within your household bubble! It won’t be that long until we can celebrate the end with friends, family, and our many groups and communities that we have been missing for over a year!
So, even though it may not be Wednesday, “HAPPY HUMP DAY”!