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Fall election All-Candidates’ Forum at Comox United

There is a Provincial Election in British Columbia on October 19th and Comox United and the Unitarian Fellowship will again be hosting an AllCandidates’ Forum on September 24th.
We will use a similar format to our two previous forums – that of a respectful meeting of those who have generously put their names forward to represent our community. This non-partisan event allows the candidates to come and answer questions that are of importance to us as a community as well as explaining to us their reasons for seeking office,
and their party’s plans should they be elected.

In the interest of time, we will not be accepting questions from the floor, but will invite members of the community to submit questions ahead of time. A group of volunteers will go through the submitted questions, identify the significant issues, and produce questions synthesized from similarly themed ones.

Five currently nominated candidates have confirmed their plans to attend our forum.

What can you do?
1. Tell your friends!!!!
2. Volunteer!! We need some volunteers to help with the running of the event, including Question
Formulation, Timers, Greeters and Ushers, Set-Up Assistants, and Livestream/Audio technicians.
Would you like to take part? We will have a happy team of volunteers, offering a great service to our community through what will be an interesting evening.

For more information or to volunteer, please contact Ross Griffith-Cochrane at or


All-Candidates’ Forum Volunteers Needed
Here are some more details about the volunteers we are seeking to help at the All-Candidates’ Forum:
• Question Formulation: about two weeks before the forum, 4-5 people will meet for about 2 hours to put together the questions that will go to the candidates. Those questions will be developed based on questions that come in from the public via the Comox United election e-mail address.
• Timers: Each candidate will get 90 seconds to answer a question. Two timers will keep the forum running on time by bringing a candidate’s time to a close if they run long.
• Greeters will greet people as they arrive
• Ushers will show people to seats and keep track of attendance, closing the doors if we reach 185.
• Set up assistants will set up the tables and chairs.
• Livestream and audio will do exactly what we do on Sunday morning.

Interested in helping? Contact Ross Griffith-Cochrane at or 250-941-5559