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True Colors Personality Assessment Workshop

Do you find yourself frustrated by a friend who struggles to make a quick decision? Does your impulsive granddaughter drive you to distraction? Are you most comfortable arriving extra early at the airport but your travel partner doesn’t agree?

Our world is made up of a wide variety of people with different backgrounds and personalities but working and communicating with them all can be challenging. This workshop will help you understand:

• How your own personality traits affect your communication, interpersonal, analytical, and organizational skills.
• How you reduce stress and create happiness with different personalities in your life.

A True Colors Personality Assessment Workshop is a fun, easy to understand, interactive way to understand yourself and others better. You will do your own instructor-led personal analysis and then delve a little deeper into what makes each of the different personality types special.

You will leave with a True Colors reference booklet.

Date: Saturday, February 22nd, 1- 4 p.m.
Location: Comox United Church, M1 (main hall)
Instructor: Elaine Brown, True Colors Certified Instructor
Cost: $15

To register: Email