Mark 9: 23 -- Jesus said to him, ‘If you are able!—All things can be done for the one who believes.’
As we prepare to enter the season of Advent – the four weeks during which we prepare ourselves for the birth of Emmanuel (God with us)—many of us have discovered that this season leading up to Christmas is different than any we have ever encountered. If you are a church geek like myself, you will know that the focus for this first week is hope.
Wow! Hope seems a little thin this year. As I begin to think of years past, there were certain traditions that brought us closer to Christmas Eve and opened our hearts, ready to welcome the Christ Child into our midst. Carol always sang in the Campbell River Singers and the Church Choir. Many of the groups we were involved with had Christmas gatherings where we could connect with others. The Church had pageants, concerts, Advent Adventures, pot-lucks, tree decorating, bakes sales – the list goes on and on. There was volunteering for the Fair-Trade Christmas Sale, charities to support and special treats for the Soup Kitchen and Breakfast Program, not to mention invitations out to friends for dinner and entertaining evenings and preparing our own open house. And in the midst of it all – planning how we would connect with our families over Christmas.
But this year, with COVID spreading like wildfire through our communities and government enforced lock downs – NONE OF THESE THINGS WILL BE HAPPENING. So, hope is a little thin this year.
That is, until I scratch the surface of all those cultural traditions and expectations. As much as I enjoy them all, the true hope I hold every year, is to encounter Emmanuel. I’m always looking and God never disappoints. There have been Christmases when I was newly separated, Christmases overseas in Libya, Christmases in the hospital with a dying brother; there have been challenges over the years, but the Christ Child has always showed up.
One year, I thought maybe it wouldn’t happen. I was in my office on the 23rd and all finished for the year except Christmas Eve and Day, and I was well prepared for them. I was kind of sad because I thought this is the year that I didn’t pay close enough attention and the Christ Child had passed me by.
My phone rang and it was a lady who had planned on spending Christmas by herself so she hadn’t bothered applying for a Christmas hamper (she didn’t need all that stuff just for herself) and now her son had phoned and was coming home with the grandchildren to surprise her for Christmas – and she had nothing, not even food in the cupboard. What could I say? I drove to her home, picked her up and took her shopping. When she thanked me through tear filled eyes – I was looking into the face of God and so yes, Jesus showed up.
I hope you listen to the song following this blog – “I Believe” – for yes, not only do I have hope (even if slightly reframed this year), like the lady who rang the church on December 23rd – I believe in miracles.
May your Advent be filled with hope, may you discover a miracle, may you be attentive to the presence of the holy and may you be blessed by the presence of Emmanuel this year.