How are we going to achieve climate success?
Thursday, June 24 - 7:30 to 9 PM
Please join us to learn from and dialogue with Mark Jaccard, author of The Citizen’s Guide
to Climate Success. Mark will speak to us on how climate-concerned citizens can
overcome myths that hinder us from acting in time to prevent extreme climate impacts.
In an election year, how can we find and promote climate sincere politicians?
How can we partner with young people?
The situation is dire but not hopeless.
Simple and practical steps can lead to deep decarbonization.
What steps can we take now?
Jaccard is a professor of sustainable energy at SFU’s School of Resource and
Environmental Management. His book, The Citizen’s Guide to Climate Success, is
shortlisted this year for a Donner literary prize. An environmental economist, he has
served on the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change and is a fellow of the Royal
Society of Canada and the CD Howe Institute.
Shaughnessy Heights Church is inviting you.
Join Zoom Meeting

Click here to watch this video:
Climate Education Reform BC
Climate Education Reform BC (CERBC) is a team of 20+ secondary students throughout so called "British Columbia" who are leading the Reform to Transform campaign which is advocating for climate change education in British Columbia’s K-12 educational system.
The 6 needs CERBC is presenting the BC Ministry of Education:
1. A public declaration of a Climate Emergency from the BC Ministry of Education
2. The creation of diverse committees to guide the education reform process.
3. The creation of a youth advisory committee to work alongside the BC Ministry of Education and to ensure that students are receiving proper climate education.
4. A revision of the K-12 curriculum to implement education on climate justice.
5. The provision of professional learning and support for preparing students for the climate crisis.
6. The implementation of school infrastructure in alignment with transitioning towards a 95% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
To support them in this endeavor, please sign the open letter at:
Gabriola Island musician Bob Bossin celebrated Earth Day with the release of a music video featuring two dozen musicians from five countries singing a song with an environmental message.
On April 21 Bossin unveiled Pass it Along – Transatlantic Session on his YouTube channel. The song, written by Alberta folk singer Scott Cook, describes how a guitarist only owns a guitar temporarily and will eventually “pass it along.” The metaphor is then extended to Canada and then the planet.
“He says we borrow it from the children and I think that’s absolutely true and we don’t tend to think that way,” Bossin said. “So it had a really nice philosophical point and a good set of lyrics and beautiful tune. I mean, what’s not to like?”
Click here to watch this inspiring video:
Here are the lyrics:
Pass it Along!
This guitar came from a timber, from the body of a tree
Through the workshop of a luthier, now it's on loan to me
And it's good company after dinner, and it fits my hands just fine
But some day another singer with a pair of hands like mine
Will coax out songs much prettier still hiding in its strings
And sing stronger, braver words than I could ever sing
And folks are gonna love it, of this I'm almost sure
So I'll take good care of it, 'cause I'm borrowing it from her
Pass it along, pass it along
May it land in careful hands when we're gone
You carry it for a moment
But time won't loan it to you for long
You don't own it, pass it along
This here is my country, sometimes it's hard to recognize it
But I count myself lucky, to have been born inside it
And I'm grateful for the rights others struggled hard to win
And you can be sure I'm gonna fight
When they try to take 'em back again
Oh, and everywhere are teachers, though some fell along the way
The words they said still reach us,
Just like you're teaching me here today
And you may not speak it loud, but it's clear in what you do
And I hope to make you proud, because I borrowed it from you
Pass it along, pass it along
May it land in careful hands when we're gone
You carry it for a moment
But time won't loan it to you for long
You don't own it, pass it along
Seems these days we're in a hurry, to grab up all that's left to use
Putting patents on discovery, making seeds that don't reproduce
If our vision is so narrow, seeing only bought and sold
We'll end up like the pharaohs, buried with their gold
We've all pushed this thing along, we've all been guided by our fear
But the river sings a song we've gotta be quieter to hear
It's in every child's face, new and hopeful as a stem
Best be gentle with this place, cause we're borrowing it from them
Pass it along, pass it along
May it land in careful hands when we're gone
You carry it for a moment
But time won't loan it to you for long
You don't own it, pass it along
Pass it along, pass it along
May it land in careful hands when we're gone
You carry it for a moment
But time won't loan it to you for long
You don't own it, pass it along
GreenFaith is an interfaith coalition for the environment that works with houses of worship, religious schools, and people of all faiths to help them become better environmental stewards.
We believe in addressing environmental issues holistically, and are committed to being a one-stop shop for the resources and tools religious institutions need to engage environmental issues and become religious-environmental leaders.
For more information, click here